What to Bring/What NOT to Bring 

If you’re visiting someone at the hospital or helping someone pack for a longer stay, it’s tempting to bring everything from home to make their stay (or yours) more comfortable.  

That said, there are some things we recommend leaving at home. We have put together a short list of essentials you need to bring along, and recommendations for items that you should leave at home. 

What to bring to the hospital 

  • A list of all medications the patient is currently taking with the names and dosages, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals, and any diet pills 

  • Any Lab and/or X-ray results performed recently at a different facility 

  • Cases for glasses, contacts and/or dentures 

  • The patient’s insurance card 

  • The patient’s valid ID, such as a driver’s license 

  • Form of payment 

  • A copy of the patient’s Advance Directives such as his or her Living Will if he or she has one 

  • Sleepwear, footwear and other personal items for overnight stays 

What NOT to Bring 

  • Valuables, such as cash and jewelry(rings)  

  • Electrical appliances, including cellphones, TVs and radios 

  • Cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal drugs  

If you have any other questions or need more information, please call us at (205) 877-1000.