Rick’s Knee Replacement Story

Sep 12, 2019

When our patient, Rick Farrar, was experiencing knee pain so severe that it was impacting his quality of life, he knew it was time to make a change. After several recommendations for orthopedic surgeons with a history of the best outcomes for knee replacements, he found himself in the care of Dr. Kenneth Bramlett, orthopedic surgeon with Brookwood Baptist Medical Center.

Rick FarrarA testament to those outcomes is shown in the fact Rick was on the ski slopes with friends only 14 weeks post op.

“When I went to see Dr. Bramlett, I was sold. I absolutely trusted what he said,” Rick shared. “What sold me was his level of experience and also his demonstrated confidence that this was the correct direction for me.”

Prior to his surgery, Rick talked with friends and other professionals in the health care industry about an upcoming ski trip to take place in March 2019. He wanted to go, but knew his knee issues was standing in his way.

“The pain was awful and I was extremely uncomfortable” Rick said. “I had my surgery so I could live well and to my fullest, not so I could sit around and do nothing.” Rick had his first knee replacement surgery on June 27, 2018 and the second one Nov. 14, 2018.

As Rick began to recover, he made sure to follow Dr. Bramlett’s directions, as well as the guidance of his physical therapist. “Dr. Bramlett encouraged me to walk as much as I could. He recommended walking for 10 minutes every hour and that’s exactly what I did. The only time I wasn’t walking was when I was sleeping,” he chuckled. “I was sure to follow his directions in hopes of the best results post op, the ultimate reason for the success was my trusting Dr. Bramlett’s process.”

Rick quickly returned to his quality of life following his knee replacement and complimented Dr. Bramlett and his team for their quality care.

“Just 14 weeks after surgery, I went snow skiing! It wasn’t pretty, but I was out there,” he said with a smile. “I listened to my body, knew when to slow down or to take a break. I tell you, I had a blast! I can’t tell you how incredible I’m doing! The pain is gone and I’m enjoying my life again. I’m very thankful to Dr. Bramlett and his team.”

Rick is a member of the Brookwood Baptist Health Joint Venture board, but he said that didn’t sway his decision in medical care. He was referred to Dr. Kennie Bramlett after asking friends, associates and other health care professionals for the surgeon with the best outcomes. Dr. Bramlett’s name was mentioned in numerous conversations.

We are grateful to Rick for sharing his story and grateful for his service on our board.

Naturally, Rick assured us that he is already planning the ski trip for next year!